The Power of Emotions

by | Jun 4, 2020

What drives us as human beings? What is the force that controls our entire life, from birth to death? It’s our emotions that we create from our lived experiences. Emotions are our everything.

Can two different people live and coexist in the exact same experience and from that, come away with differing emotions and viewpoints? Thus, feeling completely differently about the events that transpired. Of course!

Where one-person see’s the onset of fall, as the end of fun in the sun; others see all of the leave’s changing colors as mother nature’s beautiful and they begin to long for some intimate time spent near a warm fire with the one’s they love.

Its funny how this mind of ours works. This 2 million year old computer. Forever on guard. Constantly comparing the known against the unknown. Unguided, it is always looking to enable our survival. This means that our brains are continually trying to save us from something. And, unguided it creates emotions of fear, stress, and anxiety. Just to name a few. An evolutionary trait meant to steer us away from predators (aka pain) and towards pleasure.

For most of us, our emotions are unconsciously created out of habit. And make no mistake about it, your emotions are your our life. It doesn’t matter where you are in life. Whether you are successful or not. No matter what your bank account looks like, or you career, or your car, or your house. And I’ve met many successful people in my career. Some of them worth millions. If your life is fear and anxiety, then your life is fear and anxiety. So why is it that so many of us, successful or not, are still unhappy. It’s because they have not taken conscious control over their emotions.

So where then do our emotions come from? We create them through the meanings we give to our experiences.

And the great thing is we can take charge of the meanings we assign and thus our emotions. I want you to think about it for a moment. Close your eyes and imagine someone you love. Imagine them here with you right now. Now what if this person you love were to say something mean and hurtful? What would you think? What would you say to yourself about their actions, their behavior? What meaning would you associate to this moment? Are they just having a bad day? Or would it mean something different, something more?

Whichever way your mind goes, the meaning you assign to this imagined moment is going to create some emotions. And thus, your life in that imaginary moment. Now combine this moment with all the others and you have your life.

My mother used drugs, beat me, and emotionally abused me growing up. Her drug use during pregnancy is why for the rest of my life I will have epilepsy. I lived a life of depression for over 30 years.

But then I began to learn about The Power of Emotions! I began to understand where they truly came from. And then I started to TRANSFORM! Transforming from someone who was always depressed, stressed, and pissed off; to someone who is a loving , caring , and giving human being.

Now through my work, I receive messages every week. From all over the world. People in different stages of life. Some are joyful, hopeful, and excited. Others unhappy, angry, frustrated, depressed, and perhaps even suicidal. I’ve traveled to 10 countries, taught thousands of people and have been blessed with the passion and obsession to end human suffering wherever I can. Because I have suffered. I seek out the knowledge of how to help people transform their lives. From suicidal to hopeful. From depressed to fulfilled.

My invitation to you is, why wait for the perfect moment? Why not start today by being a little more loving to yourself. Why not assign some truly empowering meanings and emotions and create the life you want today!

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